This is a publication of Fluke Industrial B.V., DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS DIVISION Almelo, The Netherlands © 1995,1997 Fluke Corporation Product : SW33W for Windows FlukeView® CombiScope® Software Version : 2.0 Upgrade Date : December 1, 1997 Contents: 0. Software License 1. Limited Warranty 2. Upgrade version 3. Differences with version 1.1 4. "Duplicate File Found" message during SETUP 5. Known problems with FlukeView ____________________________________________________________________ 0. SOFTWARE LICENSE 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Fluke grants to you the right to use the FlukeView CombiScope Upgrade Software provided that such copies are used only in connection with licensed copies of FlukeView CombiScope products. 2. COPYRIGHT. The Software is owned by Fluke and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may not remove the copyright notice from any copy of the Software. 3. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. This License Agreement is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent or lease the Software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software. ____________________________________________________________________ 1. LIMITED WARRANTY 1. Fluke warrants that the software product will perform in its intended environment substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 90 days from the date of license acceptance. Fluke further warrants that the software has been recorded on non-defective media. Fluke does not warrant that the software will be error free or operate without interruption. 2. Remedies. Fluke's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be at Fluke's option, (a) the return of the price paid for the product, or (b) repair or replacement of the software product that does not meet the limited warranty. This limited warranty is void if failure of the product has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement software product will be warranted for the remainder of the 90-day original warranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer. 3. No Other Warranties. FLUKE DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. In no event shall Fluke or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this software product, even if Fluke has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This agreement and license shall be governed in the United States by the laws of the State of Washington, U.S.A., and elsewhere by the laws of the country within which the agreement is made. Restricted Rights Legend 1.0 If Licensee is the U.S. Government or other entity thereof: 1.1 "The identified software is furnished hereunder with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in paragraph (c) (1) (ii) (OCT. 1988) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFAR 252.227-7013 or the equivalent FAR clause." 1.2 The U.S. Government agrees that any Licensed Software which does not have appropriate RESTRICTED RIGHTS legends applied thereto shall be deemed to be provided only with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. UPGRADE VERSION Run SETUP.EXE to upgrade your currently installed FlukeView CombiScope software (1.0 or 1.1) to version 2.0. Follow the instructions on the screen. This upgrade version can not be installed if FlukeView CombiScope software is not already installed on your system. Note If you choose not to overwrite the existing FlukeView CombiScope software version, click No and specify a new directory when you are requested to do so. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. DIFFERENCES WITH VERSION 1.1 3.1 User Interface Enhancements - Improved Menu structure. - Improved Toolbar with new toolbar buttons. - Improved Statusbar with a better progress indicator. - 10 instead of 3 lines description for all types of windows. - Improved Print Preview. - Improved display of waveform time, amplitude and scaling values, i.e., conform the precision of the measured data. - Improved Spectrum Scale dialog. - If a spectrum can not be calculated from a waveform, still an (empty) spectrum window is displayed. This allows the user to define the fundamental frequency. - Auto-Reconnect after a connection failure with the CombiScope. - Various cosmetic changes. 3.2 New Functionality - Ability to display upto 4 waveforms in 1 window. - Envelopes are displayed in 1, instead of 2 waveform windows. - Zoom functions on a waveform window. - Cursors and cursor readouts in a waveform window. - Waveforms can be dragged from one window to another window. - Both the active and saved instrument setups can be transferred from the CombiScope to the PC and vice versa. - Instrument Setups are transferred and displayed in Setup windows. All general operations on a window, such as changing the colors, adding a description, copying to the clipboard, etc. are supported for a Setup window. - A spectrum can be calculated from an envelope. - Cursor and cursor readouts in a spectrum window. - Baudrate of 38k4 is supported. 3.3 File Handling - FVF files are the only internal FlukeView formatted files and can be used to save and restore any FlukeView window type. For this reason: . Instrument Screens can not be saved anymore to .FVS files. For compatibility reasons .FVS files can still be imported. . Waveforms can not be saved anymore to .CUR files. For compatibility reasons .CUR files can still be imported. . Instrument Setups can not be saved anymore to .SET files. For compatibility reasons .SET files can still be imported. . Also spectrum windows can be saved and restored to/from FVF files. - .WVF files are not supported anymore. 3.4 Bugs Various bugs have been solved. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. "DUPLICATE FILE FOUND" MESSAGE DURING SETUP The setup program of FlukeView, copies the files PDQCOMM2.VBX, CMDIALOG.VBX, COMMDLG.DLL, THREED.VBX, VBCTL3D.VBX, and VBRUN300.DLL to the SYSTEM directory of WINDOWS. The following message will be given when one of these files is originally present in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: "File is already present. If FlukeView cannot be started, back up and remove the file " When this message is shown, FlukeView does not replace the original file in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If FlukeView cannot be started, the original file is not compatible with the version supplied with FlukeView. To start FlukeView, rename the file for backup reasons and run the FlukeView Setup program again. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH FLUKEVIEW Please note the following problems you may encounter when using FlukeView for Windows: a. When a mouse is connected to a COM port with the same interrupt level as the COM port to which the CombiScope is connected, the connection to the CombiScope may fail. This can occur when COM1 and COM3 (or COM2 and COM4) are used, for example. To solve this problem, connect the mouse or the CombiScope to another COM port or change the interrupt level of a COM port (refer to the documentation of the PC or the serial interface card). b. During communication with the CombiScope, when you move the mouse over the border of a window or over the stop button, the following error may occur: "Communication error: Overrun error detected." Tip Select the standard VGA display from the Windows Setup to overcome this problem. c. When the mouse is positioned above a button on the toolbar, the statusbar displays a text that describes the button. If the mouse is quickly moved away, the text may not disappear. d. When resizing a window results in large text characters, disable the Windows setting "True Type Fonts Only". For Windows 3.1, start the Control Panel program and select Fonts, True Type..., and disable "Show Only True Type Fonts in Applications". For Windows 95, select My Computer, Control Panel, Fonts, View - Options, True Type, and disable "Show only True Type fonts in the programs on my computer". For Windows NT, select My Computer, Control Panel, Fonts, View - Options, True Type Fonts, and disable "Show only True Type fonts in the programs on my computer". e. When the CombiScope is in the Single Trigger mode and no waveform has been acquired yet, the error message "Timeout" is given. ____________________________________________________________________ End of the README.TXT file.